Books • Spirituality/Belief • Education
Like the Bereans in Acts 17:11, we aim to be noble-minded and search the Christian Scriptures daily to see what is so, in order to be more effective and efficient followers of Jesus Christ.
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2024 Sep 04 - Thoughts on Ezekiel 8

Gerry comments on one of the passages from his morning devotions. It isn't good news for the church if the pattern of Scripture holds.

What is the Gospel?

What Gerry explains is the actual gospel.

Welcome to the Berean Nation!

Join us as we study the Christian Scriptures to see what God wants us to know in this world, which if we're being honest, is going directly to Haich-Ee-Double-Hockey-Sticks in a hand cart. Join us for a Christian take on world news events and a Biblical view on...well...pretty much everything. And keep studying those see what's so and become a better, more informed follower of Jesus Christ. Site:

Replacement link for last Thursday's Bible Study

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